Asian Science And Math Olympiad (ASMO) 2018 For Grade 6

ASMO SD Kelas 5 dan 6

Asian Science and Maths Olympiad (ASMO) is a competition platform designed to challenge and evaluate student’s knowledge in Mathematics and Science at their grade level. The questions in the Olympiad will stretch their knowledge and understanding of the concepts. Our syllabus fits nicely into the syllabus that concentrates on non-routine problem-solution to prepare the students for the competition. With the expansion of STEM education worldwide, ASMO certainly answers the need of it. Students will be well prepared with the skills to meet the science and technology challenges.

In Malaysia, ASMO is officially endorsed by Ministry of Education and all participants will obtain curriculum marks. In 2018 alone, Asian Science and Mathematics Olympiad has received 70,000 entries from across the ASEAN countries. We are targeting for the number to increase at 80,000 for 2019.

We are also proud to present that ASMO International is a new effort by ASMO Malaysia which started in 2017 in Pattaya, Thailand. When it was initially launched, the competition was setup via collaboration with ASMOPSS and ASMO Thai was the host for the competition. In 2018, Malaysia has become the host for the competition and it was participated by 10 Asian countries.

The idea of opening up a new competition platform which is ASMO International is to expand the level of competition and to provide more opportunities for primary and secondary school students to experience international engagement. (sc :

Berikut ini problems and solution ASMO 2018 grade 6

1. Calculate \(2000×1999-1999×1998+1998×1997-1997×1996\).

\(2000 × 1999 − 1999 × 1998 + 1998 × 1997 − 1997 × 1996\)
\(= 1999(2000 − 1998) + 1997(1998 − 1996)\)
\(= 1999(2) + 1997(2)\)
\(= 2(1999 + 1997)\)
\(= 2(3996)\)
\(= 7992\)

2. A rectangle is built from the 2 squares, the squares have a same edge length but the sum of the edge length has decreased by 24cm. Calculate what is the sum of the edge length of the original 2 squares?

Jumlah semua sisi Persegi panjang yang terbentuk berkurang 24 cm dari jumlah panjang sisi dua persegi. Misalkan panjang sisi persegi adalah \(x\). Pada kedua persegi digabung membentuk persegi panjang maka ada 2 sisi yang tidak terhitung sebagai jumlah sisi persegi panjang, karena pengurangan jumlah sisinya adalah \(24\) maka dapat ditulis \(2𝑥 = 24 ⇒ 𝑥 = 12\). Jadi jumlah sisi dua persegi mula-mula adalah \(8𝑥 = 8(12) = 96 𝑐𝑚\)

3. Let \(4 < a < 9 , 1< b < 4\), if the denominator and the nominator of a fraction \(\frac{b}{a}\) is a non-zero natural number. Calculate how many type(s) of this fraction could be?

\(1 < 𝑏 < 4, 𝑏 = \{2,3\}\)
\(4 < 𝑎 < 9, 𝑏 = \{5,6,7,8\}\)
Pecahan \(\frac{𝑏}{𝑎}\) yang terbentuk adalah

\(\frac{2}{5}, \frac{2}{6}, \frac{2}{7}, \frac{2}{8}, \frac{3}{5}, \frac{3}{6}, \frac{3}{7}, \frac{3}{8}\)

Terdapat 8 pecahan berbeda.

4. How many factor(s) do the number of 360 have?

\(360 = 36 × 10 = 4 × 9 × 2 × 5 = 2^3 × 3^2 × 5\)
Jadi banyak factor dari \(360\) adalah \((3 + 1)(2 + 1)(1 + 1) = 4(3)(2) = 24\)

5. The time taken of a car drove from A to B is 525m per minute. Predict that 40 minutes can be reaching to the destination, but they have wasted 5 minutes to repair the car in the middle of the journey. Calculate how many m per minute should the car driver need to drive much faster than the original time so that they will be arrived the destination on time?

dengan kecepatan 525 m/menit, kota A dan B dapat ditembuh dalam waktu 40 menit. Karena ditengah perjalan ada kerusakan dibutuhkan waktu lima menit untuk perbaiki dan kemudian melanjutkan perjalan. Jika waktu tempuh tetap sama dengan perkiraan awal maka kecepatannya harus dinaikan.

\(𝐽𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑘\; 1 = 𝐽𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑘\; 2\)
\(525 × 40 = 𝑣_2 × 35\)
\(𝑣_2 =\frac{525 × 40}{35}\)
\(= 600\)

Jadi kecepatan yang dibutuhkan agar sampai tepat waktu adalah 600 meter per menit

6. There are 540 of pupils have decided to join a trip and rented 10 buses which is included big buses and small buses. A big bus manages to fetch 60 pupils while a small bus manages to fetch 40 pupils. Calculate how many big bus and small bus did they rent?

Banyak bus besar : \(B\)
Banyak bus kecil : \(K\)
\(60𝐵 + 40𝐾 = 540 … (1)\)
\(𝐵 + 𝐾 = 10 … (2)\)
Eliminasi persamaan \((1)\) dan \(40\) kali persamaan \((2)\)
\(60𝐵 + 40𝐾 = 540\)
\(40𝐵 + 40𝐾 = 400\)
_____________________ –
\(20𝐵 = 140 ⇒ 𝐵 = 7\)
Karena \(𝐴 + 𝐵 = 10\), 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑎 \(𝐴 = 3\)
Jadi banyak bus besar ada \(7\) dan banyak bus kecil ada \(3\)

7. The primary 6 students are using the paper flowers to decorate the hall for the teachers’ day. The total number of the paper flowers is 630 which are included red color and yellow color. The numbers of red paper flowers are 2 times of the yellow paper flowers. Calculate how many paper flowers is each red and yellow?

Banyaknya bunga merah : \(M\)
Banyaknya bunga kuning : \(K\)
\(𝑀 + 𝐾 = 630\)
\(2𝐾 + 𝐾 = 630\)
\(3𝐾 = 630\)
\(𝐾 = 210\)
Banyak \(M = 2K = 2(210)=420
Jadi Banyaknya bunga kuning ada [latex]210\) dan merah ada \(420\)

8. The side area of the cylinder is 80dm² while the radius of the bottom area is 3 dm. Calculate what is the volume of the cylinder?

not yet available

9. A car drove from A to B and the time taken was \(\frac{1}{3}\) of the whole journey, and there are 25km from the middle point. Calculate how many km between A and B?

not yet available

10. Irene is 27 years older than her son, but Irene’s age was 4 times of her son when 3 years ago. So, how many years old do her son now?

Misalkan umur Ibu Irene sekarang adalah \(I\) dan umur anaknya sekarang adalah \(A\)
\(𝐼 − 𝐴 = 27 ⇒ 𝐼 = 27 + 𝐴 …(1)\)
\(𝐼 − 3 = 4(𝐴 − 3) …(2)\)
subtitusi persamaan (1) ke (2)
\(27 + 𝐴 − 3 = 4(𝐴 − 3)\)
\(24 + 𝐴 = 4𝐴 − 12\)
\(24 + 12 = 4𝐴 − 𝐴\)
\(36 = 3𝐴\)
\(𝐴 = 12\)

Jadi umur anaknya sekarang adalah \(12\) tahun

Problems And Solutions Future Intelligence Student Olympiad (5-6 Grades)
Problems And Solutions SEAMO PAPER C 2021

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