Asian Science And Math Olympiad (ASMO) 2019 For Grade 7

Asian Science and Maths Olympiad (ASMO) is a competition platform designed to challenge and evaluate student’s knowledge in Mathematics and Science at their grade level. The questions in the Olympiad will stretch their knowledge and understanding of the concepts. Our syllabus fits nicely into the syllabus that concentrates on non-routine problem-solution to prepare the students for the competitiRead More…

Soal dan Pembahasan Latihan Kompetisi Matematika Bidang Statistika

Statistika adalah ilmu yang mempelajari semua hal tentang data, mulai pengumpulan, penyajian, analisis, sampai terbentuk suatu kesimpulan. Statistika merupakan ilmu yang harus dikuasai karena everything need statistics. Contohnya, menghitung rata-rata penjualan, menentukan banyaknya produk yang sudah terjual, menghitung tingkat kepuasan pelanggan (customer), menghitung tingkat penularan Covid-Read More…

Asian Science And Math Olympiad (ASMO) 2018 For Grade 9

Asian Science and Maths Olympiad (ASMO) is a competition platform designed to challenge and evaluate student’s knowledge in Mathematics and Science at their grade level. The questions in the Olympiad will stretch their knowledge and understanding of the concepts. Our syllabus fits nicely into the syllabus that concentrates on non-routine problem-solution to prepare the students for the competitiRead More…

Asian Science And Math Olympiad (ASMO) 2018 For Grade 8

Asian Science and Maths Olympiad (ASMO) is a competition platform designed to challenge and evaluate student’s knowledge in Mathematics and Science at their grade level. The questions in the Olympiad will stretch their knowledge and understanding of the concepts. Our syllabus fits nicely into the syllabus that concentrates on non-routine problem-solution to prepare the students for the competitiRead More…

Asian Science And Math Olympiad (ASMO) 2018 For Grade 7

Asian Science and Maths Olympiad (ASMO) is a competition platform designed to challenge and evaluate student’s knowledge in Mathematics and Science at their grade level. The questions in the Olympiad will stretch their knowledge and understanding of the concepts. Our syllabus fits nicely into the syllabus that concentrates on non-routine problem-solution to prepare the students for the competitiRead More…

Soal dan Pembahasan Lomba Matematika LSM HIMATIKA UNY 2018 Tingkat SMP

Lomba dan Seminar Nasional Matematika (LSM) merupakan kegiatan tahunan yang diadakan rutin oleh HIMATIKA (Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika) FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Sesuai dengan namanya, LSM adalah serangkaian kegiatan yang terdiri dari Lomba Matematika dan Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika. Lomba matematika diselenggarakan untuk siswa SMPRead More…

Problems And Solutions SEAMO PAPER E 2021

The Southeast Asia Mathematical Olympiad (SEAMO) is an international Math Olympiad competition that originated in Singapore and was founded by Mr. Terry Chew in 2016 in 8 Southeast Asian Countries. Since then, it is growing its popularity around the world. In 2019 it was recognized by 18 countries. In 2020 total number of participating countries increased to 22, including students from Indonesia, Read More…

Problems And Solutions SEAMO PAPER D 2021

The Southeast Asia Mathematical Olympiad (SEAMO) is an international Math Olympiad competition that originated in Singapore and was founded by Mr. Terry Chew in 2016 in 8 Southeast Asian Countries. Since then, it is growing its popularity around the world. In 2019 it was recognized by 18 countries. In 2020 total number of participating countries increased to 22, including students from Indonesia, Read More…


Soal lomba ID-MEC Grade 7. I Discovered Maths and Science Competition, Mathematics is not just formula, but it is an idea. Matematika tidak dapat dilepaskan dari perkembangan Ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, karena kedudukan matematika sebagai pengetahuan dasar yang menopang perkembangan teknologi modern, mempunyai peran penting dalam berbagai disiplin dan memajukan daya pikir manusia. Dalam konRead More…

Soal dan Solusi Lomba PHI tingkat SMP

Berikut ini kumpulan soal dan solusi lomba PHI dari tahun ke tahun 1. Ibu membeli tomat sebanyak 25 buah. Berat masing-masing tomat adalah 1 ons dengan kadar air 80%. Karna ibu tidak mempunyai mesin pendingin, akibatnya kadar air pada tomat itu menjadi turun 5% setiap harinya. Jika ibu akan menggunakan tomat tomat itu 5 hari kemudian, maka berapakah berat keseluruhan tomat pada hariRead More…

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