FMO FMO2021 FMO2021Final SD kelas 1 dan 2

Berikut ini adalah soal beserta kunci jawaban Fermat Mathematic Olympiad (FMO) 2021 grade 2 (Sc: Edukultur Indonesia)

A. Warm-up (4 points per question / No points deducted for wrong answers)

1. Given 4 figures below, which figure should come next?





Answer : A

2. How many triangles are there in the picture?
A) 3
B) 4
C) 5
D) 6
E) 7

Answer : B

3. What is the number in the circle?

A) 5
B) 4
C) 3
D) 2
E) 1

Answer : E

4. Timmy has a strip of paper with two holes (picture below). After folding the
strip of paper in half, Timmy can see 3 letters. Which letters CANNOT be seen?

A) A and C
B) C and E
C) B and D
D) A and D
E) B and E

Answer : A

5. Let A, B, C and D be the missing numbers in the magic square below. What is
the largest number among them?
A) 35
B) 20
C) 33
D) 26
E) 34

Answer : C

B. Speed-up (6 points per question / No points deducted for wrong answers)

6. Jane buys eggs in boxes of 6 and boxes of 12. What is the smallest number of
boxes she buys to have exactly 66 eggs?

A) 5
B) 6
C) 9
D) 11
E) 12

Answer : B

7. Andy writes a 3-digit number on each of three papers. Then he puts the paper
on top of each other as below. Andy finds out that the total sum is 888. Find the two hidden digits.

A) 1 and 2
B) 7 and 6
C) 5 and 4
D) 6 and 5
E) 5 and 9

Answer : C

8. The table shows the number of pumpkins harvested by five farmers in the fall
season. Who harvested 180 pumpkins?

A) Danny
B) Jacob
C) Ray
D) Edwin
E) Alex

Answer : E

9. David walks forward along the road from start to finish and writes down all the colors he can see on his left-hand side. Which color is NOT be written?

A) Green
B) Blue
C) Black
D) Red
E) Yellow

Answer : C

10. Five cyclists joined a race and they start at the same time. The time each
athlete took to finish the race is shown in the graph below. After the winner, how many minutes did it take until the second cyclist finished the race?

A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) 5
E) 6

Answer : C

C. Challenge (8 points per question / No points deducted for wrong answers)

11. They put 23 marbles in 5 boxes below so that each box has at least 2 marbles. If the number of marbles in every box is different, what can be the greatest number of marbles in the red box?

A) 9
B) 13
C) 10
D) 8
E) 15

Answer : A

12. Which figure can be folded from the net below?





E) None of the above

Answer : B

13. Jennie stacks bricks to get a tower. If she makes a 4-level tower, she will
need 10 bricks. If she makes a 5-level tower, she will need 15 bricks. How many bricks will she need if she makes a 10-level tower?

A) 35
B) 40
C) 45
D) 50
E) 55

Answer : E

14. There are 4 friends including Jane, Josh, Jack and Jill. They bought 9 different shirts listed in the table below. Jane bought 2 shirts with the same price. Josh bought the top three cheapest items. Jack had to pay 50 USD for all of his shirts. Find the color and the size of Jill’s shirt.
A) White – L
B) Grey – M
C) Black – S
D) Black – M
E) Grey – L

Answer : D

15. Jack made a domino snake of eight tiles. He put the tiles next to each other
so that the sides with the same number of dots were touching (Note that the
number of dots can only be from 0 to 6). Originally the snake had 50 dots on its back but some tiles are missing. Can you find the total number of dots in the place of question marks?

A) 4 and 5
B) 4 and 3
C) 5 and 6
D) 4 and 6
E) 3 and 6

Answer : C

D. Star of hope (10 points per question/ 10 points deducted for wrong answer)
In this part, you must write your answer on the answer sheet.

16. The password of a lock is a 4-digit number. Anna tries three times and gets the following results.
Find the correct password.

Answer : 9673

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