Problems And Answers PHIMO MOCK 2020 PRIMARY 4


11. A prime number B is a sum of 3 prime numbers. What is the minimum value of B?


12. There are 5 integers whose sum is 13. What is the greatest possible product of these integers?


13. Amy made a new deck of 68 cards consisting 4 suits – spades, hearts, clubs and diamonds. If there are equal number of cards for each suit, determine the minimum number of cards should be drawn to ensure that there is at least 1 card from each suit?


14. Two balls are rolling towards each other at the same time from the opposite ends of a straight tube that is 424 centimetres long. Ball X travels 35 cm while Ball Y travels 25 centimetres in 1 second. Both balls travels 1 cm less than the previous distance in each subsequent second. How long will it take for the two balls to meet?


15. 6 towns are joined by a system of roads as shown:
How many different ways are there to get from town A to town F, if no town and no road should be passed more than once?


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