Problems And Answers PHIMO MOCK 2020 PRIMARY 6


21. Factor completely: \(x^8 – y^{16}\)


22. The average of three numbers is 24. If two numbers A and B are added, the average decreases by 4. If A is three times the value of B, determine the value of A.


23. The length of a rectangle is 8 units more than its width. If the length is decreased by 9 and the width is tripled, the area is increased by 50%. What is the area of the original rectangle?


24. ABCD is a square. X is the midpoint of side AB and Y is the midpoint of side BC. A point G is chosen inside square ABCD, what is the probability that point G is inside triangle XYB?


25. The average of 20 numbers is 13 and the average of 30 numbers is 28. What is the average of all 50 numbers?


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