Problems And Solutions SEAMO PAPER E 2021


21. Suppose \(π‘Ž_𝑛\) is a non-constant arithmetic sequence such that \(π‘Ž_1 = 1\). Also, the terms \(π‘Ž_2 , π‘Ž_4\) and \(π‘Ž_9\) form a geometric sequence.
Evaluate \(π‘Ž_1 + π‘Ž_2 + π‘Ž_3 + β‹― + π‘Ž_{10}\).

\(π‘Ž_1 = 1\), misalkan selisihnya adalah \(d\), maka
\(π‘Ž_2 = 1 + d\)
\(π‘Ž_4 = 1 + 3d\)
\(π‘Ž_9 = 1 + 8d\)
Karena \(π‘Ž_2 , π‘Ž_4\) and \(π‘Ž_9\) merupakan barisan geometri maka berlaku
\(\frac{1 + 3d}{1 + d}=\frac{1 + 8d}{1 + 3d}\)
\(1 + 6d + 9d^2 = 1 + 9d + 8d^2\)
\(d^2 = 3d\)
Nilai \(d\) yang memenuhi adalah 0 atau 3, karena deret aritmatikanya tidak konstan maka nilai \(d\) yang memenuhi adalah 3.
\(π‘Ž_1 + π‘Ž_2 + π‘Ž_3 + β‹― + π‘Ž_{10} = 1 + 4 + 7 + 10 + 13 + 16 + 19 + 22 + 25 + 28 = 145\)

22. Find the least positive integer \(π‘˜\) such that \(2^{2021} + π‘˜\) is divisible by \(33\).

\(2^{2021} + π‘˜ = 0\; π‘šπ‘œπ‘‘\; 33\)
\((2^5)^{404}. 2 + π‘˜ = 0\; π‘šπ‘œπ‘‘\; 33\)
\((32)^{404}. 2 + π‘˜ = 0\; π‘šπ‘œπ‘‘\; 33\)
\((βˆ’1)^{404}. 2 + π‘˜ = 0\; π‘šπ‘œπ‘‘\; 33\)
\(2 + π‘˜ = 0\; π‘šπ‘œπ‘‘\; 33\)

23. Beatrice has several nuggets. She knew that, when counted in fives, threes and elevens, respectively, \(2, 2\), and \(3\) nuggets remained. What is the least possible number of nuggets she has?

Misalkan banyaknya adalah \(N\),

\(N=5π‘Ž + 2 ≑ 2\; π‘šπ‘œπ‘‘\; 5 … (1)\)
\(N=3𝑏 + 2 ≑ 2\; π‘šπ‘œπ‘‘\; 3 … (2)\)
\(N=11𝑐 + 3 ≑ 3\; π‘šπ‘œπ‘‘\; 11 … (3)\)

Samakan persamaan (1) dan (2)
\(5π‘Ž + 2 ≑ 2\; π‘šπ‘œπ‘‘\; 3\)
\(2π‘Ž ≑ (2 βˆ’ 2)\;π‘šπ‘œπ‘‘\; 3 ≑ 0\; π‘šπ‘œπ‘‘\; 3\)
Diperoleh nilaiΒ \(π‘Ž = 3π‘˜, π‘˜ ∈ 𝐡\)

Samakan persamaan (1) dan (3)
\(5π‘Ž + 2 ≑ 3\; π‘šπ‘œπ‘‘\; 11\)
\(5(3π‘˜) ≑ 1\; π‘šπ‘œπ‘‘\; 11\)
\(15π‘˜ ≑ 1\; π‘šπ‘œπ‘‘\; 11\)
\(4π‘˜ ≑ 1\; π‘šπ‘œπ‘‘\; 11\)
Nilai \(k\) terkecil yang memenuhi adalah \(3\)
Jadi nilai \(𝑁 = 5π‘Ž + 2 = 5(3π‘˜) + 2 = 5(9) + 2 = 45 + 2 = 47\)

24. Find the largest five-digit positive integer whose digits have a product equal to \(7!\)

25. There are \(9\) cards each written with numbers \(1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5\) and \(6\). Cards with odd numbers are coloured red and the rest are coloured blue. How many ways to arrange all \(9\) cards in a row such that the number on each red card is less than or equal to that on every red card to its right?

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